I am always in hunt of a good literature that has its own aesthetic value and one that has been kept dipped in sweetness of creativity . It is exciting to listen to a conversation where creativity overshadows the mundane words. Poetry is the most ornamented way of expressing oneself. Every Poet has an unique challenge of presenting his work in an exceptional way and at the same time he has to keep his writing lucid enough to be comprehended.
I find myself fortunate as I spent my childhood in eastern part of our country where all forms of creativities have an immense respect and Artists are equally loved. The place is light years aloof from commercialization. Hence to fill the gap, most of the people have found their solace in some form of art. I believe I carry a profound impact of some revered poets of India and abroad and I owe them a lot. Though I am not very certain whether my writings are even near to them, the entire process of penning a poem is most stimulating and satisfying job for me and I really enjoy every jot of it.